For Immediate Release:
Preye Cobham, Esq., Attorney and Legal Advisor, Women Watch Afrika
RE: Women Watch Afrika Condemns Trump’s New Unconstitutional Executive Order
Another Unconstitutional Move By Trump
It is clear Donald Trump has a consistent agenda against Immigrants—he wants to disassociate himself and the United States (a land built by immigrants and the forced labor of slaves) as much as possible from immigrants, he wants to eliminate them from the United States, and he wants to scare and attack immigrants whenever he can. So much so, that he seems to enjoy living in denial of the fact that various members of his family were immigrants themselves.
Nevertheless, even his denial and love for ridiculous antics cannot change the fact that his new Executive Order directing the Department of Commerce not to count undocumented immigrants when drawing congressional district lines is in one word—UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The United States Constitution mandates that EVERYONE living in the United States be counted by the Census. EVERYONE.
This executive order is clearly motivated by Trump’s fear of the upcoming elections, and his hope that he can use the Department of Commerce (and its power of the Census) to help himself with partisan political gains while also enjoying one of his favorite pastimes—attacking immigrants. It is also reflective of his desperation to change the narrative from his lack of leadership in addressing the current pandemic.
Sadly for him, this move will not be allowed to be a distraction and it will NOT go unchallenged. His xenophobic attitude towards immigrants, non-whites, non-Europeans, etc. shows his continued fear of the strength and the shown Democratic leanings of the immigrant communities.
This so-called Executive Order is already being challenged with a lawsuit and Women Watch Afrika fully believes the unconstitutional order will be struck down.
However, we know that Trump works on the premise of FEAR tactics. So this is just one more way for him to try to scare off immigrants and undocumented individuals from completing the Census.
Women Watch Afrika wants to remind the public and the immigrant community especially, that their personal information is protected. It is against the law for the Census Bureau to share any personal information with any other entity—government or otherwise. Therefore, if people have already completed the Census, there is nothing to be concerned about and for those that haven’t yet completed it—please do so. EVERYONE counts.
The Census is not based on Citizenship. Immigration status or lack there of does not matter. It is a count of EVERYONE living in the United States. Do not allow ANYONE to silence you or erase you from history or from the United States. This Census count helps determine how moneys are shared towards resources for healthcare, schools, transportation, hospitals, etc.
EVERYONE COUNTS. YOU COUNT. Complete the Census Today!
About Women Watch Afrika:
Women Watch Afrika is a grassroots, nonprofit, international, national, and local social justice organization focused on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls, the promotion of social and economic development and health equity of women, and the acculturation of immigrants and refugees arriving to the United States from 23 African nations.
In line with its goal, Women Watch Afrika provides Social Services, Legal Services, Advocacy, Health Education, Legal Education, End Domestic Violence classes, Stop FGM/C workshops, Know Your Rights workshops, Citizenship Preparation, Civic Engagement; and Advocates against unjust, discriminatory laws that affect the community.
Website: Tel: 404-759-6419
Twitter: @WomenWatchAfri Facebook: @WomenWatchAfrika
As an expert in this field, Women Watch Afrika provides trainings as a consultant on numerous issues. For more information on training, guidance, consulting services, and/or information on working with immigrant communities contact Glory Kilanko, Founder and Executive Director, Women Watch Afrika, Inc. at 404-759-6419 or
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