On Tuesday May 2, 2017, the City of Clarkston Council members voted unanimously to pass the Non-Detainer Policy, limiting its cooperation with ICE to that required by law and reaffirming the City of Clarkston as a welcoming city. With a diverse population, Clarkston has a large immigrant population. The passing of the Non-Detainer Policy reaffirms that the City is committed to protecting and defending its residents and will not participate in any arrest, detaining, or transporting of anyone solely on the basis of an ICE ‘detainer request.’ There must be a judicially signed warrant.
Women Watch Afrika, Inc. spearheaded the push for city to sign the Non-Detainer Policy and worked tirelessly with its community partners and various organizations, attorneys, and the community at large to show the need for such a policy. Glory Kilanko, Director & CEO of Women Watch Afrika, Inc. was overjoyed at the positive outcome and stated that “This is a victory for all of us. The community spoke and our elected officials listened.”
The Non-Detainer Policy can be read in full HERE
Author: Preye Cobham, Esq.
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